
Auszeichnung herausragender Dissertationen

Seit 1998 wird jährlich auf Vorschlag der Volkswirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Alumni-Dissertationspreis im Rahmen der Alumni-Jahresfestveranstaltung vom Vorsitzenden des Alumni-Clubs verliehen. Der Preis zeichnet die beste Dissertation des vergangenen akademischen Jahres aus und ist Anerkennung für die wissenschaftliche Leistung.

Wir gratulieren den Preisträgern und Preisträgerinnen herzlich zu ihren Erfolgen!


  1. 2023, Dr. Bernhard Kassner
  2. 2015, Dr. Anna Gumpert
  3. 2006, Dr. Katharina Sailer

2024, Dr Luisa Wallossek


2023, Dr. Bernhard Kassner


2015, Dr. Anna Gumpert


2006, Dr. Katharina Sailer


Preisträger und Preisträgerinnen

2024: Luisa Wallossek - "Public policy complexity, individual behavior, and inequality."

2023: Bernhard Kassner - "Regulating the Overconfident: Financial Regulation in the Presence of Overconfidence"

2022: Felix Montag - "Determinants and Effects of Competition"

2021: Paul Hufe - "Essays on Equality of Opportunity"

2020: Cathrin Mohr - "The Power of the State in German History - Development and Political Economy"

2019: Lisa Spantig - "Microfinance and norms: individual and group behavior in the lab and in the field”

2018: Dr. Markus Nagler - "Patents, spillovers, and the allocation of talent: microeconometric perspectives on the knowledge economy."

2017: Dr. Christopher Weber - "The Collateral Policy of Central Banks - An Analysis Focusing on the Eurosystem"

2016: Dr. Michael Irlacher - "Essays on Multi-Product Firms and International Trade"

2015: Dr. Anna Gumpert - "Knowledge, organization and taxation: An analysis of the driving forces behind multinational enterprises' investment pattern"

2014: Prof. Dr. Robert Ulbricht - "Essays on Financial Economics and the Cost of Incentives"

2013: Dr. Caspar Siegert - "Essays on Financial Economics and the Cost of Incentives"

2012: Dr. Johannes Maier - "Behavior under Risk and in Social Dilemmas: Theoretical and Experimental Approaches"


  • Dr. Iris Kesternich - "Theoretical and Microeconometric Perspectives on Insurance and International Economics“
  • Dr. Nicolas Klein - "Learning and Experimentation in Strategic Bandit Problems”

2010: Dr. Christina Strassmair - "Incentives and social preferences - Four essays in experimental economics"


  • Dr. Maria Lehner - "Emerging Market Finance - The Role of Multinational Banks and Microfinance"
  • Dr. Marcus Drometer - "Essays in Political Economics"


  • Dr. Hannah Hörisch - "Give and Take: Three Essays on Giving Behind the Veil of Ignorance, Taking with Deterrent Incentives, and Educational Attainment"
  • Dr. Nadine Riedel - "Essays on the Taxation of Multinational Firms"

2007: Dr. Stephan Sauer - "Frameworks for the Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Monetary Policy"

2006: Dr. Katharina Sailer - "Searching and Learning in Internet Auctions: the ebay Example"

2005: Dr. Florian Herold - "The Evolution of Reciprocity, Trust, and the Separation of Powers; Untertitel: Essays on Strategic Interaction under Incomplete Contracting"


  • Dr. Björn Bartling - "The Role of Investment Banks in Initial Public Offerings and Incentives in Firms: Essays in Financial and Behavioral Economics
  • Dr. Markus Reisinger - "Three Essays on Oligopoly: Product Bundling, Two-Sided Markets and Vertical Product Differentiation"


  • Dr. Silke Übelmesser - "Unfunded Pension Systems: Ageing and Migration"


  • Dr. Bernd Süßmuth - "Business Cycles in the Contemporary World"

Preisträger:innen 2001:

  • Dr. Patrick D'Souza - "Venture Capital and Asymmetric Information"

Preisträger:innen 2000:

  • Dr. Michael Reutter - "A Macroeconomic Model of West German Unemployment. Theory and Evidence"

Preisträger:innen 1999:

  • Dr. Ulrich Scholten - "Die Förderung von Wohneigentum"
  • Dr. Matthias R. Effinger - "Four Essays on Managerial Incentives under Reputational Concerns"

Preisträger:innen 1998:

  • Dr. Thomas Bauer - "Arbeitsmarkteffekte der Migration und der Einwanderungspolitik: Eine Analyse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland"
  • Dr. Jörg Baten - "Ernährung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Bayern, 1730 - 1880"