Mindset-Empowerment: Making a career and staying true to yourself.

The workshop will be held by Prof. Dr Sarah Diefenbach and is based on her experience as head of the mentoring programme at Faculty 11. This workshop aims to provide a space for discussion and support. From a solution-oriented perspective the following questions will be adressed:

- What is my path? Where do I want to develop professionally and what will help me best?

- How can I pursue a career and remain "myself"? How can I fill a position with responsibility with my own personality and values?

- What can I do to make my skills more visible and tangible for others? What do I need to get into positions where I can take on responsibility and shape things?

- What are possible hurdles and how can I overcome them?

Different contexts, such as communication, dynamics in meetings, application situations, career and family will be discussed. We look at tips and best practices for successful careers and offer a space for sharing your own experiences, uncertainties and questions.
Mindset empowerment stands for the activation of a self-confident and self-determined role according to the motto: Don't wait for someone to prepare the way, but prepare the way yourself.

Date: 5.7., 13 to 14.30 p.m.

Faculty: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science

Lecturer: Prof. Sarah Diefenbach

Registration required by 28 June.

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