This course offers students an introduction to AI issues applied to health and well-being:
During the week, students will receive a course on artificial intelligence to understand more specialized interventions in the use of AI models in health and wellness applications.
The following courses will be given in the form of lectures or interactive workshops, face-to-face and distance, mixing students from 5 European universities. This course will therefore both acquire skills and knowledge in AI and health, but also an intercultural and international openness through exchanges between research professors and students of the Eugloh alliance.
- Host: Université Paris-Saclay
- Certificate/ ECTS: 3 ECTS
- Number of participants: 20 students (5 students per partner)
- Registration deadline: 18 November 2021, 23:59 p.m.
Dieser Online-Kurs findet auf Englisch statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der EUGLOH-Website.
Die European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) ist eine strategische Partnerschaft zwischen der Université Paris-Saclay, der Universität Lund, der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, der Universidade do Porto und der Universität Szeged im Rahmen der Europäischen Hochschulinitiative der Europäischen Kommission.