What can you learn?
To educate students for the use of modern information technologies for effective researchwork and for the dissemination of scientific results from the collected data.Overview of the basis of data processing in different biomedical applications and state-of-theartexamples presented by distinguished scientists from the five participating universities of the EUGLOH alliance. Introduction to the topic of artificial intelligence with a special focus on the multidisciplinaryresearch activities.
Participating students are trained by contact lectures and practical sessions involving the personal use of computers on various topics related to the development of transversal skills:
- (Biomedical) data collection, signal processing and analyses
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning in: natural language processing, biological image analysis, gene expression analysis
- Image processing applications
- From literature knowledge to mechanistic modelling
- Health data science and management
- Statistical decision making
- Dissemination of scientific results
- Data processing in epidemiology: data collection and interpretation, conception and design, population testing and tracing, economic model of optimal lockdown, mathematical modelling of the COVID-19 outbreak, complex economic systems
Who is the target audience?
Thirty (6 per each partner university) bachelor, master and PhD students from all faculties of the partner universities of the EUGLOH alliance (University of Szeged, Université Paris-Saclay, Lund University, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Universidade do Porto). No special background knowledge is required. School is also open for junior and senior scientists of the participating universities.
How attendence is awarded?
EUGLOH Certificate and 2 ECTS will be provided for the students following lectures online.
Diese Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der EUGLOH-Website.
The European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) brings together five universities from across Europe. Together they form a “European University” to develop interdisciplinary projects in the field of Global Health.