This serious game on Pharmaceutical Marketing is an online management simulation, focused on marketing strategy. It helps participants to develop their understanding and command of the whole marketing decision-making process for health products and drugs, from strategy design to sales execution.
During 7 rounds over 3 days, teams of students compete for the leadership position at the end of the game (winning criteria is the share price).
Since teams are composed of members from several universities, students will also benefit from virtual mobility and an intercultural experience. An expert will lecture students on interculturality during the kick-off and the debriefing sessions.
The winning team will earn a trip to Paris or to other universities of its members.
The student recruiting the most students to the game wins a trip to Paris, for being the best marketer.
The kick-off and debriefing sessions, the simulation and your team meetings will be held fully online.
Aside from the simulation, teams are expected to deliver:
- An advertisement video,
- A Letter to shareholders
No work is expected from the students before or after the 3 days of the game.
You can still register to the game and participate in a part of it if you already have some commitments during the 3 days.
- You need however to coordinate with the rest of your future team to establish a clear planning of the availabilities of everyone in the team.
Diese Online-Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch statt. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der EUGLOH-Website.
Die European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) ist eine strategische Partnerschaft zwischen der Université Paris-Saclay, der Universität Lund, der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, der Universidade do Porto und der Universität Szeged im Rahmen der Europäischen Hochschulinitiative der Europäischen Kommission.