03 Mai

EUGLOH: The human side of technology

Öffnungszeiten / Beginn:

16:15 - 17:30 Uhr

3. Mai 2022



In this public lecture, Professor Saonee Sarker will address the humanistic outcomes of technology. How is technology affecting work-life balance? Can it cause stress? And what are the often-overlooked dangers of digitalisation, not least when it comes to sustainability?

Meet Saonee Sarker, Professor of Informatics at LUSEM, in a talk where she asks questions such as: Is digitalisation all good? What are the possible dark sides of the ongoing digitalisation of our workplaces?Saonee Sarker will take you on a journey, from practical research findings to current challenges. From a humanistic viewpoint, she will put some of these items in the spotlight:

  • How is digitalisation affecting work-life balance?
  • What is technostress? Why do we need to consider it?
  • What are the dangers of AI and the ongoing digitalisation? What challenges do digitalisation pose to sustainability?

Die Veranstaltung findet online und auf Englisch statt. Weitere Informationen sowie den Link zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf der EUGLOH-Website.

Die European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) ist eine strategische Partnerschaft zwischen der Université Paris-Saclay, der Universität Lund, der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, der Universidade do Porto und der Universität Szeged im Rahmen der Europäischen Hochschulinitiative der Europäischen Kommission.

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