

The list of websites on the following pages has been assessed and commented on by English language teachers at the LMU. All sites have been rated in terms of how useful they were considered to be for non-native speaker language learners.

Rating: ***** = excellent | **** = very good | *** = good | ** = useful | * = could be useful

Top five links for learning English

  • Jobline LMU
    Website developed by Jobline LMU project. It gives tips, advice and courses on how to write successful job applications and be interviewed in English.
  • The Guardian (UK)
    Politically left of centre quality newspaper, very good for job advertisements and excellent search archive.
  • The Economist (UK)
    A political magazine which deals with current events on an international scale. Includes opinions on world affairs.
  • Cambridge Dictionaries
    This site includes a learner's dictionary as well as separate dictionaries for American and British English.
  • BBC Online
    BBC site specifically made for learners of English with radio, video, grammar explanations, and tests.


  • Jobline LMU (job applications) ****
    Website developed by the Jobline LMU project. It gives tips, advice and courses on how to write successful job applications and be interviewed in English.
  • Language and Learning Online (writing for academic purposes) ****
    Tutorials created by Monash University helping students to write texts for academic purposes.
  • Business Letter Punch (formal/informal letters) ****
    Site gives step by step guide on how to write a successful business letter. Suitable for intermediate to advanced students.
  • Essay Guide (essay structure/vocabulary/style) ****
    Takes users through the actual steps of writing a basic essay. Suitable for intermediate to advanced students.
  • Paragraph Structure ****
    Takes users through the actual steps of writing a basic paragraph. Suitable for intermediate to advanced students.
  • Paradigm Online Writing Assistant ****
    Gives very detailed and comprehensive advice on how to write a good structured essay. Suitable for intermediate to advanced students.


Self-Study Language Sites

Monolingual Dictionaries


  • Cambridge Thesaurus
    The classic thesaurus in English is Cambridge's and here it is in a trendy online version for free!
Bilingual Dictionaries

  • dict.cc ****
    German-English dictionary; not always 100% accurate (everbody can participate). Free mobile app available (iOS/Android).
  • LEO online bilingual dictionary **
    German-English dictionary; not always accurate but with discussion forum. Good for German titles. Free mobile app available (iOS/Android).
  • Bab.la ****
    German-English dictionary; the content is user-generated in general, however verified by experts. Free mobile app available (iOS/Android).

  • Merriam-Webster online dictionary and thesaurus (US) ***
    American standard English. Definitions can be rather formal. Audio files for pronunciation. Free mobile app available (iOS/Android).
  • Linguee ****
    A combination of an editorial bilingual dictionary and a bilingual corpus of 100 mio bilingual texts. Particularly useful when looking for phrases/collocations.

  • English Page ***
    Offers a tutorial and an in-depth explanation of grammar points followed by a number of exercises that can be checked immediately. Very useful for independent study as well as in the MSL.
  • A4esl ***
    Choice of 3 different levels and specific grammar points. Also instant correction of exercises which makes it good for independent study.
  • The Online English Grammar ****
    Online grammar handbook. Site is interesting because it is so well maintained and organised. It is easy to find detailed explanations of grammar problems with clear example sentences.
  • Collocation Site ***
    Practices use of collocations. Could be useful for preparing for EFL exams.


  • Visit Britain *****
    Offical site of the British Tourist Authority.
  • The British Council *****
    Britain's international organisation for educational and cultural relations.

  • USA Tourist ***
    Non-government site which offers general tourist information about the USA. Good tip is that most U.S. states have their own website offering travel information.
  • Information USA ***
    Information USA: government site containing information about American society, political processes, official U.S. policies and culture.
  • Amerika Haus ***
    Bavarian-American Centre in Munich which has library facilities and organises cultural events.
  • US Botschaft *****
    US Embassy in Germany: offers a vast range of links to all types of US government agencies.



News channel sites

  • TOEFL website ****
    The official TOEFL website: with info about test registration, prices and online sample papers.
  • Test Magic TOEFL (US) ***
    Online help with TOEFL test.
  • The official Cambridge Examination website *****
    Information about the Cambridge EFL examinations, including sample papers of the Cambridge Business (BEC), First Certificate, Advanced and Proficiency examinations.
  • TOEIC ****
    Test of Englisch for International Communication: similar to TOEFL but more geared towards business English.