Überblick über die Kursinhalte der Englisch-Kurse

Im Folgenden finden Sie die Kursinhalte der akademischen Englischkurse, die ab der Niveaustufe B1 angeboten werden. Die Niveaustufe nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GER) / Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) (B1 – C2) ist jeweils mit angeführt.

Alle Kurse sind 2-stündig und schließen mit einer Klausur am Semesterende ab.

Englisch B1: English for Academic Purposes. Winter term syllabus:

Language skillsGrammar
Describing your studies and study routinesPresent simple and present continuous
Making arrangements: suggestions, invitations and refuses (formal and informal)Present perfect and past simple

Future forms
University vocabularyPassive
Seminar presentationsComparisons
Writing a report

Englisch B1: English for Academic Purposes. Summer term syllabus:

Language skillsGrammar
Introducing yourself and talking about yourself and your studies.Present perfect and past simple
Learning strategiesIrregular verbs
Writing an email (formal and informal)Modal verbs
Asking for advice, giving advice
Question forming / Subject and object questions
Asking for an opinion / giving your own opinion / discussingGerund and infinitive
Reading strategies
University vocabulary
Writing a 300-350 word essay on a given topic.

Englisch B2: English for Academic Purposes. Winter term syllabus:

Language skillsGrammar
Small talk/mingling in university contextTense overview: (future, present, present perfect, past, conditional)
Writing emails using different registers (formal, informal, neutral)Grammar problems addressed during teaching sessions and homework reviews
Filling in application forms for scholarships
Comparing/contrasting tabloid and quality newspaper articles
Gist reading
Writing a 100 word summary using a quality newspaper article as a source
Easy writing skills
Writing a 500-600 word argumentative academic essay on a given topic
University vocabulary

Englisch B2: English for Academic Purposes. Summer term syllabus:

Language skillsGrammar
Differences between standard and academic EnglishTense overview: (future, present, present perfect, past, conditional)
Approaches to reading academic articlesGrammar problems addressed during teaching sessions and homework reviews
Using online dictionaries and thesaurus
Paragraph writing
Making essay plans
Writing a 400-500 word argumentative academic essay on a given topic
Peer-proof reading and correction
Preparing a 5min academic presentation within a group
Planning and writing PowerPoint presentation
Presenting a 5min academic presentation
University vocabulary

Englisch C1: Academic English at Advanced Level. General syllabus: (There is no winter/summer syllabus, individual teachers can choose a selection from the following language skills)

Language skillsGrammar
Advanced listening skills using for example authentic podcasts, television programmes and film sequencesGrammar review while completing language skill tasks and giving homework and presentation feedback
Overview and assessment of quality English-speaking online newspapers
Writing a 100 word comment on a controversial issue presented in an English speaking online newspaper
Advanced discussion arising from listening and reading sources
Advanced paraphrasing and summary writing
Creating own academic essay title and thesis statement
Making detailed essay plan for academic essay
Writing a 700-800 word academic essay
Peer-checking and correcting academic essays
Preparing for a formal academic debate
Participating and presenting in a formal academic debate
Creating own academic presentation title and thesis statement
Planning and writing PowerPoint presentation
Presenting an 10 min academic presentation

Englisch C2: Academic English at Proficiency Level. General syllabus: (There is no winter/summer syllabus, individual teachers can choose a selection from the following language skills)

Language skillsGrammar
Very advanced listening skills using for example authentic podcasts, television programmes and film sequencesGrammar review while completing language skill tasks and giving homework and presentation feedback
Overview and assessment of quality English-speaking online newspapers, dictionaries, thesaurus and other reference tools
Writing a 100 word comment on a controversial issue presented in an English speaking online newspaper
Very advanced discussion arising from listening and reading sources
Very advanced paraphrasing and summary writing
Creating own academic essay title and thesis statement
Making detailed essay plan for academic essay
Writing a 800-1000 word academic essay
Peer-checking and correcting academic essays
Preparing for a formal academic debate
Participating and presenting in a formal academic debate
Creating own academic presentation title and thesis statement
Planning and writing PowerPoint presentation
Presenting a 15 min academic presentation