Cambridge LMU Strategic Partnership

The aim of the strategic partnership between University of Cambridge and the LMU Munich is to explore and support a suitable array of activities that will cement a meaningful and productive collaboration between two of Europe's leading universities. The partnership covers all areas of research and education across all faculties.

Call for Proposals for 2025/26

Website of Cambridge LMU Strategic Partnership

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The Call for Proposals for the 2025/26 funding period is now open.

Cambridge LMU Strategic Partnership provides funding for:

  • Joint projects in research
  • Joint projects in teaching

All permanent members of staff are eligible. Funding can cover costs of Cambridge and LMU employees and students only - collaborators from other institutions besides the University of Cambridge and LMU Munich are not eligible for any financial support from either partner institution.

Detailed information regarding the amount of funding, the funding criteria and required documents can be found in the Cambridge-LMU Call for Proposals (PDF, 251 KB).

Application deadline: Sunday, 20 October 2024

Applications can be either submitted by LMU applicants via the LMU application portal - strategic partnerships or by CAM applicants via the online submission portal for CAM applicants. Please note that only one application either from the LMU or from the CAM PI is necessary.The provision of funding is a prerequisite for its granting; any commitments of funding in this regard are therefore subject to the condition precedent of the granting of funds.

If you have any questions regarding LMU funding, please contact the team International Networks by email.


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

University of Cambridge

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