LMU-ChAN Scientific Forum 2024

25-27 September 2024 at Fudan University

Fudan University Entrance Gate


The Scientific Forum is a central element of the LMU – China Academic Network. Aim of the interdisciplinary conference is to support scientists to initiate and extend existing contacts and interactions within the LMU-China Academic Network.

The intention of this event is to identify common research interests and lay the foundation for new joint research projects. The Forum 2024 is co-organized and hosted at Fudan University in Shanghai.

Theme of the LMU-ChAN Scientific Forum 2024: Forward thinking

During the Scientific Forum researchers from LMU have the opportunity to work together with their colleagues from the ChAN partner universities in a broad variety of subject-specific formats, such as workshops, panel discussions, etc.

The activities of these subject-specific groups will be complemented by plenary keynotes and joint information sessions. Networking events offer excellent opportunities to meet colleagues and share experiences. The plenary activities will be conducted in English.


  • arrival in Shanghai
  • welcome dinner

  • workshops sessions

  • workshop sessions
  • LMU Munich information event at Fudan University
  • short presentations from each workshop and closing session


Hannah Weckemann

International Office

LMU-China Academic Network (ChAN), LMUexchange: Mainland China, Hongkong, Taiwan

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+49 89 2180-3524

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