Budgeting and Finance (Division VII)


The Division for Budgeting and Finance is responsible for the planning of the annual budget, cost accounting and providing support for the handling of financial aspects in the context of sponsored research projects (Drittmittelprojekte). Furthermore, we process payments initiated by the University's institutions and coordinate the necessary infrastructure for finance processes in line with the relevant IT processes and accounts structure. We also deal with tax issues and provide support for public tender procedures. In addition, we advise on and coordinate professorial appointment and retention negotiations. Furthermore we advise prospective benefactors, who wish to create foundations, and manage the foundations' capital. The planning and controlling of the budget of the University, as a statutory body under public law (Körperschaftshaushalt), is also assigned to Division VII.

Note that the budgetary affairs of the University Hospital are managed by the respective sections of their Commercial Directorate.


  • Martin Döhne (Head of Division)
  • Dr. Rabea Samak, Jens Reuter (Deputies)


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