Getting started in the new semester
25 Apr 2022
Writing a book for the first time, preparing for an exhibition, delivering a lecture in the main building: What students and lecturers are doing as the summer semester begins.
25 Apr 2022
Writing a book for the first time, preparing for an exhibition, delivering a lecture in the main building: What students and lecturers are doing as the summer semester begins.
As the summer semester gets underway, students and lecturers tell us what the next few weeks and months hold in store for them.
Preparing to make her research findings available to the public at large: ethnologist Carolin Luiprecht. | © private
“Completing my master’s degree in ethnology at LMU in February 2022 brought a long and exciting phase of my life to an end. But now even more exciting things await me as my post-study phase begins, as I am privileged to be able to co-author a scientific book on the basis of the research I did for my master’s thesis.
For nearly three years I have been working as an assistant in ethnological project 1369 on “Cultures of Vigilance” at LMU’s Collaborative Research Center. The project is studying the vigilance of individuals perceived as migrants on the US-Mexican border, specifically in San Diego. At the end of this year, the members of this project want to publish a book in which, in the role of co-author, I will be able to contribute my own research and findings. This is a completely new situation for me: Up to now, the only people who read my papers were me and my lecturers. Now, my writings are to be published for the first time and will be available to anyone who is interested. It is also the first time I have worked on a text in a four-person team. While that slows many processes down on the one hand, I also find collaborating closely with three experienced academics incredibly enriching for me personally.
I am looking forward to the new experiences that await me in the summer semester. All in all, working on this project has shown me that the academic trajectory is a realistic option for me.”
Carolin Luiprecht, Collaborative Research Center, “Cultures of Vigilance”
Back in her favorite city: Professor Helene Tenzer. | © private
“In the 21st century we enjoy global connectivity, communicating across national borders, cultural divides and language barriers as a matter of course. Yet at the same time, the local setting shapes our mentality and lifestyle. This ‘glocalization’ perfectly sums up my research, teaching and personal situation. I was born and grew up in Bavaria. I met my husband – an astrophysicist from Tübingen – in the USA, and he has broadened my horizons in truly ‘stellar’ fashion. Together with our three-year-old son, we are currently rediscovering our home.
I am thrilled to now be able to return to my favorite city and develop the discipline of International Management at LMU. Who would have thought this 20 years ago, when a school trip brought me as a visitor to the University’s historic main building on Geschwister-Scholl-Platz? Now I am here, organizing the large-scale ‘International Management’ event and familiarizing undergraduates with the challenges and opportunities presented by the global world of work. For me, the human factor is at the center of everything. How can we learn to see diversity as an asset, put its creative potential to good use and minimize frictional losses? How do we square the circle between globalization and regional roots? These questions are at the heart of my lectures and seminars, yes. But they also guide my research into multinational teams, into managing in global organizations and into international human resources management.
My new colleagues gave me a very warm welcome even before I started work here. They made my return to my former home a sheer pleasure. Now I am looking forward to kick-starting face-to-face teaching once again after the coronavirus pandemic – at a wonderful campus that embodies the ideal blend of Bavarian lifestyle and international outlook!”
Professor Helene Tenzer, Professor of International Management
In the summer semester, Christina Penninger is looking forward to the final-year exhibition for the bachelor’s course in art education at the Catholic Students’ Association. | © privat
“I am in the sixth semester of my art education studies. In the summer semester, I am especially looking forward to the final ‘IN TRANSIT’ exhibition for the bachelor’s degree course.
Although I have been active in the art space for a long time, this is my first opportunity to show my work to a wider audience. Above all, it will be interesting trying to find a suitable means of presenting my very personal work entitled UnNatürlich (UnNatural), which deals with my pregnancy and the birth of my daughter.
The exhibition will be presented at the Catholic Students’ Association (KHG), Leopoldstrasse 11, Munich, starting on 30 June.”
Christina Penninger, art education student
From Bolivia to LMU: Ruben Darío Chambi. | © privat
"I am from Bolivia, and since January 2022, I have been a PhD student in the ERC project "Indigeneities in the 21st century " directed by Prof. Philipp Schorch. Prior to my arrival at LMU, I worked in different academic and development organisations in Bolivia. My interest focused on children's rights and Indigenous peoples as well as the reflection of concepts such as decolonization and “Vivir Bien” (Living Well) in public policies.
I am very excited about the start of the summer semester, as it will allow me to participate in different seminars, learn about the work of other researchers and share my experience from Bolivia. Furthermore, my team teaches a course on "Expressions of Indigeneity: Philosophies, governmentalities, materialities" in Anthropology, which will be an excellent opportunity to get to know the teaching dynamics at the university, interact with other students and present my doctoral project. My PhD thesis is pursuing a critical study of "Vivir Bien" as an Indigenous philosophy by examining novel material expressions among Aymara traders in the city of El Alto in Bolivia.
I hope that my participation in this semester's activities will represent a valuable and interesting contribution to the scholarly work of LMU students and researchers.”
Ruben Darío Chambi, PhD student in the ERC project "Indigeneities in the 21st century"
Victor is from Ukraine and is just beginning a language course at LMU.
“I come from Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine, where I had actually just begun my studies. I was reading clinical pharmacy but wanted to switch to veterinary science. But then the war came and I had to leave my home.
In the summer semester, I am now starting a language course at LMU to prepare for a study course in Germany. For me, this is a ticket to the future. I want to study veterinary science, as I would like to become a vet. I want to save dogs and other animals too, because I love them. I hope the people at the University will help me to achieve this goal.
I am a little nervous, but also very happy. I have seen how the other students here go about their work. Now I want to see it not just somewhere on the Internet, but with my own eyes.”
Victor Kharchenko, first semester
Before the semester begins, Celina can already explore South Africa. | © privat
"I am 22 years old and I am in my 6th semester studying Business Education I at LMU. In the new semester I will be allowed to have a new experience, and that is to study abroad. It has always been my dream to do a semester abroad, as I love to travel and was curious about what it would be like to study in another country! On my second attempt, it actually worked out and I flew to South Africa in February to spend my 6th semester there. The time before my departure was very exciting, as no LMU student has ever gone abroad with the South African cooperation before. In addition, due to the situation with Corona and some unrest in South Africa, it was unclear until the last second whether I would be able to leave for my new adventure.
Accordingly, I am nervous whether everything will work out with my place abroad as I hope and whether I will be able to get credits for my courses in the end.
For me, studying in another country is an opportunity to gain new perspectives. South Africa has to deal with different economic, social and environmental problems than Germany, such as water shortages, an extremely divided society and too little electricity for the whole country. I am very excited to see how these issues affect everyday university and teaching life and how students are motivated to find solutions to these issues. Furthermore, I am excited to learn if there is a difference in the teaching style as opposed to LMU. I am looking forward to the experiences I get to have in the new semester, the people I get to meet and memories I will make."
Celina Friedrich, studies Business Education
Oliver changes sides: From learner to teacher. | © privat
"My name is Oliver, I am 22 years old and currently in the 4th semester of my teaching degree for secondary schools with the subject combination history, English and since this semester new: ethics.
The first semester in the intensive internship was quite fulfilling and exciting, but of course also exhausting and challenging. I even injured my knee towards the end of the second block to really live up to the name "intensive" internship. But I always tried to approach challenges with an open mind and just let everything come to me, which is why there was rarely any reason to be nervous.
For the second half, I have planned to professionalize my teaching to a certain extent, but also to develop my teaching personality. The most important thing, however, is that I retain my motivation and enjoyment of the profession. For me, this means that I will continue to go to school in the morning with a big grin on my face and leave with an even bigger grin in the afternoon.
If I could give just one piece of advice to other interns, it would be to just go and have fun. Because the students will mirror your charisma and energy upon entering the classroom for the rest of the lesson! Yes, you will make mistakes and fail. But so what? You will learn more in a short time than you can ever imagine, as long as you stay authentic and don't get uptight about not making mistakes. You will make it!"
Oliver Wolf, studies to become a teacher