
LMU academics among most highly cited researchers

20 Nov 2020

Sixteen LMU scholars and scientists are among the most influential authors in their specific fields, as the publication of the list of highly cited researchers 2020 shows.

The ranking lists those researchers in the fields of the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Medicine whose publications are most frequently cited worldwide.This latest analysis is based on citation data for publications in a total of 22 subject areas, and the cited authors are ranked according to the numbers of citations their own publications have received.

Nobel Laureate Professor Dr. Theodor Hänsch (Chair of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics), Professor Dr. Immanuel Bloch (Chair of Experimental Physics – Quantum Optics, Faculty of Physics) and Professor Dr. Ferenc Krausz (Chair of of Experimental Physics – Laser Physics, Faculty of Physics) are among the world’s most highly cited physicists.

In the field Immunology, Professor Dr. Veit Hornung (Chair of Immunobiochemistry, LMU Gene Center) is rated among the most influential researchers.

The following LMU researchers can be found in the top echelons in the field of Pharmacology and Toxicology: Professor Dr. Martin Biel (Chair of Pharmacology, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy) and Dr. Elvir Becirovic (Research Group Leader in the Center for Drug Research, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy).

In the category “Psychiatry and Psychology”, the publications of both Professor Peter G. Falkai (Director of the Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the LMU Medical Center) and Emeritus Professor Dr. Hans-Jürgen Möller (formerly Chair of Psychiatry at LMU and Director of the Psychiatric Clinic) are highly cited.

The listings in the “Cross-Field” category relate to authors who have published highly influential work in several different research areas. Six of the most highly cited LMU academics appear in this interdisciplinary context. They include Professor Dr. Thomas Bein (Chair of Physical Chemistry and Functional Nanosystems, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy), Professor Dr. Niels J. Dingemanse (Faculty of Biology) and Professor Dr. Dieter Edbauer (Faculty of Medicine), together with Professor Dr. Christian Haass (Chair of Metabolic Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine), Professor Dr. Stefan A. Maier (Chair of Experimental Physics – Hybrid Nanosystems, Faculty of Physics) and Professor Dr. Christian Weber (Director of the Institute for Prophylaxis and Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases (IPEK) at the LMU Medical Center).

Professor Dr. Eva Annette Rehfuess (Chair of Public Health and Behavioral Research, Faculty of Medicine) is among the leaders in the Social Sciences.

Professor Dr. Ludger Wössmann (Chair of Economics in the Faculty of Economics, and Director of the ifo Center for Human Capital and Innovation), is ranked among the most highly cited academics in the field of Economics and Business.

About the Ranking
The list of Highly Cited Researchers 2020 comprises some 6400 scholars and scientists. The ranking appears annually and is issued by the American company Clarivate Analytics, which is based in Philadelphia. The list is based on the “Web of Science”, in which citation records for research publications are tabulated. Authors are ranked according to the frequency with which their publications are cited by their peers. This parameter serves as a proxy for the significance, quality and impact of an author’s research. The analysis makes use of citation records for all research articles published during the previous 11 years. Thus, the latest listing takes papers that appeared in the years 2009-2019 into account. However, the final assessment is based solely on publications that are among the top 1% of the most highly cited articles in each field.

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