Owing to the pandemic, access to the validation terminals is restricted in many locations. The MVV will therefore continue to accept student registration cards that have been validated for the Winter Semester 2020/20 as valid for travel at off-peak times.
The Regulations at a Glance:
Student Registration Cards issued in plastic form by some universities and other institutes of higher education, which have been validated for the Winter Semester 2020/21, will continue to be accepted as valid for travel on MVV services at off-peak times (Mo-Fr 6 p.m. - 6 a.m., and at all times on weekends).
Students who wish to purchase the IsarCard Semester or travel on the MVV at off-peak times must have a valid Student Registration Card for the Winter Semester 2020/21 (e.g., one bearing the validation mark WiSe 20/21) at least.
All students in possession of cards that have not been validated for either the Winter Semester 2020/21 or the Summer Semester 2021 must have these revalidated by their respective institution. Without revalidation, such cards do not entitle their holders to use MVV services.
Students enrolled at institutions that issue Student Registration Cards in paper form must possess cards validated for the Summer Semester 2021 if they wish to purchase the IsarCard Semester or travel on the MVV at off-peak times, as they will have received such cards or be in a position to acquire them.
As always, passengers with season tickets must carry an official photographic ID when travelling on MVV services. A validated Student Registration Card together with an official photographic ID card will be accepted as tickets for travel at off-peak times on the MVV.
As usual, the IsarCard Semester can be purchased at ticket machines and retail outlets on the MVV network, and is valid for travel at all times.
Please note that Certificates of Registration (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) at universities or other institutes of higher education are NOT recognized as valid tickets on MVV services at any time..