When the invisible was made visible
10 Feb 2023
Wilhelm C. Röntgen died in Munich 100 years ago, on 10 February 1923. We talk to historian of science Kärin Nickelsen about the discoverer of X-rays.
10 Feb 2023
Wilhelm C. Röntgen died in Munich 100 years ago, on 10 February 1923. We talk to historian of science Kärin Nickelsen about the discoverer of X-rays.
To mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Kärin Nickelsen, Professor of History of Science at LMU Munich, tells us what kind of person the discoverer of X-radiation was and how his work shaped science.
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen researched at LMU for 20 years. How did his time in Munich begin?
When Röntgen took over the Chair of Experimental Physics at LMU in 1900, he was at the high point of his career. Five years earlier, he had discovered X-rays, which in Germany are called “Röntgen rays” in his honor. In 1901, he had received the inaugural Nobel Prize in Physics for this achievement. At LMU, Röntgen sought to get the Chair of Theoretical Physics filled, which had been vacant since the departure of Ludwig Boltzmann in 1894. Eventually, the role was filled by Arnold Sommerfeld, who also deeply influenced physics as a researcher and lecturer.
Did Röntgen continue to study the newly discovered rays at LMU?
Yes, among other interests. Röntgen had always pursued research into very diverse subjects in physics, including thermodynamics, electrodynamics, and solid-state physics. He was particularly interested in the physical properties of crystals, and this continued throughout his time at LMU. He would have been delighted that X-rays would eventually become perhaps the most important tool for explaining crystal structures. The process whereby the double-helix structure of DNA was decoded, for example, was based to a substantial extent on experiments with X-rays.
The discovery of X-radiation was his most important contribution to science. How did he pull off this coup?
According to the standard version of events, it was a coincidence. Like many other researchers, Röntgen was experimenting at this time with so-called cathode rays. This is the name for the rays observed in evacuated glass tubes when you apply a strong voltage between two poles. Electrons fly at high speed from the cathode, the negative pole, to the anode, the positive pole. Upon colliding there, energy is released as radiation. Röntgen apparently noticed that when he switched on the tube, a sheet of paper some distance away that was coated with a fluorescent substance began to glow. And it continued to shine even after he enclosed the tube in cardboard. This could not be explained with the science of the day. Röntgen concluded that radiation of a new kind had been released: “X-rays.”
X-rays are used today not only in medicine, but also in materials testing. Moreover, there are special X-ray microscopes and even telescopes that detect X-rays in space. In this way, scientists can obtain insights into astronomical objects such as binary star systems.Kärin Nickelsen, Professor of History of Science
But we don’t know if it really happened like that, do we?
Precisely. Because Röntgen ordered all his documents and notes to be destroyed after his death, we cannot verify this story.
Röntgen soon realized that the rays not only penetrate cardboard, but tissue as well.
When you lay a hand, for example, between the rays and a photographic plate, you get an image of the bones of the hand, because the rays find it easier to penetrate soft tissue than denser bone matter. And it’s true that Röntgen tested this on his wife – the picture from 1895 is famous today. This ability to see through objects fascinated people. Everything was X-rayed – even feet to see if a shoe fit. X-ray apparatuses became an attraction at fairgrounds. So aside from the great scientific value of the technology, it was also a big hit with the public.
With grave consequences in some cases …
It took a long time before the serious health effects of an overdose of X-rays were discovered. This had fateful consequences for many test subjects and scientists. To take the initial radiographs, body parts were exposed to radiation for up to twenty minutes!
1:14 | 9 Feb 2023
You alluded to the high scientific value of Röntgen’s discovery. Could you elaborate on that?
Initially, X-rays were just a new kind of radiation beyond the visible spectrum. Several of these had been discovered in the second half of the 19th century. But that they could make the invisible visible without destroying the structure: this is what made these rays special. It works either directly, as in the case of bones, or indirectly via diffraction patterns, as in the case of crystallography. X-rays are used today not only in medicine, but also in materials testing. Moreover, there are special X-ray microscopes and even telescopes that detect X-rays in space. In this way, scientists can obtain insights into astronomical objects such as binary star systems.
Röntgen did not patent his discoveries. And he donated the monetary award for his Nobel Prize to the University of Würzburg. Was he really so modest and uninterested in money?
Based on what we know about Röntgen, he was a quiet and retiring man and found his sudden fame burdensome if anything. But this does not mean that he had an austere lifestyle. When Röntgen won the Nobel Prize, he was already set up for life thanks to his inheritance – his father was a successful cloth merchant. As such, he was not reliant on earning money from patents. This favored the rapid application and spread of the discovery.
The practice of science at the end of the 19th century was quite different from what it is today. Single-authored publications were still very common in physics, as indeed they were in mathematics, chemistry, and biology. This does not mean, however, that the professors worked all alone.Kärin Nickelsen
Major discoveries were often made by individuals in those days as opposed to teams. It’s said that Röntgen would hunker down in his lab for weeks on end sometimes and even sleep there. Was Röntgen really a lone genius, or did he have the support of others?
The practice of science at the end of the 19th century was quite different from what it is today. Single-authored publications were still very common in physics, as indeed they were in mathematics, chemistry, and biology. This does not mean, however, that the professors worked all alone. They were supported by outstanding craftspeople, for instance, who manufactured research equipment, precision instruments, and labware. Assistants and associate professors were expected to provide help. And their wives took care of the household and sometimes did translations or made corrections.
Röntgen left school without a high-school diploma. Indeed, he’s often cited as an example of why you don’t necessarily have to be a top student to become a successful scientist.
People are fond of rehearsing the story that Röntgen was expelled from school because he wouldn’t betray a classmate who had drawn a caricature of the teacher. However, the story has not been authenticated. It’s quite possible that Röntgen left school to start a career in his father’s company. If so, he never went through with it. Instead, he enrolled at ETH Zurich (then known as the Federal Polytechnic Institute), where he was allowed to study without a high-school diploma. After completing a PhD, he moved to Würzburg as an assistant to August Kundt. His lack of a high-school diploma prevented him from acquiring a habilitation degree there. But when his boss was appointed to a post in Strasbourg, he took Röntgen with him and the university there allowed him to obtain his habilitation without the high-school leaving certificate. After spells in Hohenheim and Gießen, Röntgen was eventually offered a post in Würzburg, where he not only discovered X-rays, but was also elected to the office of rector. He ended his research career in Munich in 1920. Three years later, on 10 February 1923, he died of bowel cancer. If he lived in our time, his cancer might have been discovered at an early stage through the use of X-ray technology.
Kärin Nickelsen is Chair of History of Science at LMU. Her main research interests include the history of experimental life sciences and scientific working processes.
Faculties: Faculty of Physics