#EXCELLerate and connect! LMU Postdoc Career Day 2023

With the motto "#EXCELLerate and connect!", the LMU Postdoc Career Day 2023 took place on 7 July 2023. The event focused on networking among postdocs at LMU, who were invited to engage in an open exchange with professional coaches about their own career advancement, coping with everyday work, and actively developing their professional network.

Some impressions from our Postdoc Career Day 2023

  1. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  2. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  3. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  4. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  5. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  6. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  7. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  8. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  9. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  10. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  11. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023
  12. Impressions Postdoc Career Day 2023

These were our workshops

In this workshop you will get insights into application processes in industry and services: How to write a convincing cover letter? What is important for your CV design? How to be convincing in job interviews? How to make the transition from academia to the business labor market successfully?

Please feel also free to bring your questions to the workshop.

Time: 9 a.m.
Room: Seminar Room 3
Paricipants: max. 20

About the trainer: Dr. Stephan Pflaum has been working at LMU's Career Service since 2012. Previously, he worked in human resources management at various companies. At LMU, he advises students, doctoral candidates and graduates on all career issues.

A job in science management is one of the top career tracks for young PhD’s and Postdocs. But how do the responsibilities of a science manager really look like? What makes this field an attractive career choice? And what should be considered before taking the decision to enter science management as a professional?

This talk gives an insight into an interesting career opportunity within the German academic system in a condensed manner.

Time: 9 a.m.
Room: Seminar Room 1
Participants: max. 35 on-site, unlimited via Zoom

About the trainer: Dr. Oliver Grewe works as a program manager at the Volkswagen Foundation, one of Germany’s leading private funders of research and technology. He holds a Ph.D. in neurosciences and began his career in science management after his first postdoc. His started off in 2008 as a program manager of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Two years later he enrolled in the Scientific Commission of Lower Saxony to organize evaluation processes at universities, before he took his current job in 2011. Since 2015 he’s additionally self-employed as a trainer and coach, offering workshops at various universities in Germany. In January 2020 he published the book “Wissenschaftsmanagement als Beruf – Strategien für den Einstieg“ together with Dr. Mirjam Müller.

Resilient people have the strength not to be thrown off course by stress and crises. They possess the ability to make the best out of stressful situations, learn from them and even grow beyond themselves. Resilience is therefore a key skill in today’s challenging world. The good news is: we can train our resilience competencies - and it actually doesn’t take that much time! During this mini-workshop on resilience, you will gain insights on:

  • WHAT exactly is stress and resilience and how are the interconnected?
  • WHICH NEGATIVE EFFECTS does stress have on your physical & mental health?
  • GET a TOOLKIT with hands-on strategies and practical methods on how to improve your resilience!
The mini-workshop will not only offer theoretical insights but also opportunities for self-reflection and group interactions. Through these activities, you'll be able to practice and enhance your resilience competencies already during the workshop itself.

Time: 10 a.m.
Room: Seminar Room 2
Participants: max. 12

About the trainer: Nina Feustel-Durst worked as a management consultant for well-known companies for almost 10 years. In 2016, she decided to follow her life motto "Create yourself" and since that time, she has been consistently putting it into practice. From 2017 onwards, she has been working as a life & business coach and supports people and organizations in achieving their goals and realizing their full potential.

The basic elements to create a sustainable network are good relationships and trust to partners. During this interactive workshop we will discuss the following topics:

  • how to set up relationships and how to maintain these long-term
  • sensitivity for effective self-marketing and communication
  • strategy for building relationships and maintaining sustainable network structures
The subsequent career fair will be used for practical transfer. The participants have the opportunity to directly implement the previously learned and to improve their networking skills.

Time: 10:30 a.m.
Room: Seminar Room 3
Participants: max. 15

About the trainer: Anja Merl is a networker out of conviction. Listening, asking questions, connecting people, ideas and companies. Expanding skills. With more than 20 years of expertise Anja Merl supports her training participants in the successful establishment and development of their own professional networks. Being a shareholder of die.netzwerk.akademie she believes in the importance of collaboration and sustainable networks – to make work easier and to be more successful.

Anja Merl herself combines sport and economy in an efficient way: for example, she is active for the Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW) - the largest, voluntarily organized and cross-industry organisation of German SMEs in Germany.

All You Need to Know About How to Start Your Own Company

Being an entrepreneur is much more than doing business. It means understanding a problem, finding a solution, recognizing an opportunity for change and building an organization, that is able to bring this solution into realization. In this workshop, we provide a rough overview on the basics of how to start: team, IP, time and money (grants) & advantageous attitude of founders. Also, we introduce you to the support of the LMU Spin-off Service and the support of the LMU Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center. Plus, we will present an inspiring LMU-example of an entrepreneur, who brought science into business and we will talk about entrepreneurship as a tool to bring research into application & science into action.

Time: 2:30 p.m.
Room: Seminar Room 3
Participants: max. 20

About the trainer: Philipp Landerer studied Business & Administration at LMU and has extensive experience of over 8 years in product development & marketing at mobile operators and 11 years’ experience as the founder of a wholesales company. Since 2017 he works as a Startup Consultant and since 2020 he works for Spin-off Service LMU.

What to Bring and What to Know About Recruitment Procedures

  • How does a recruitment committee for a professorship work in Germany, Austria or Switzerland?
  • When am I ready to apply for different types of professorships?
  • What are the most relevant documents I have to prepare for my written application?
These are the central questions the workshop answers. In addition, you get some ideas for writing your cover letter, research statement and for preparing the hearing.

Time: 2:30 p.m.
Room: Seminar Room 1
Participants: max. 30

About the trainer: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf is a coach and trainer for scientists. He is cofounder of karriereberatung-akademiker.de. Before that, he was responsible for accompanying the process of appointing professors (Berufungsverfahren) at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena for several years.

This was our networking fair

On our 2-hour fair, the Division for Strategy, Research, Junior Academics, the Center for Leadership and People Management and the Munich Postdoc Network presented their services.

Postdocs had the opportunity to learn more about LMU support services, network and book 15-minute speed-consulting sessions with LMU’s research funding experts.

The networking fair and the 15-minute speed-consulting sessions were open to interested postdocs from all research institutions.

What are you looking for?