Cultural diversity

Diversity within our LMU community means that every member should be given the same opportunity to develop. We're convinced this contributes not just to their personal success but to that of the entire University. Cultural diversity sparks exciting exchange with others characterized by creativity, linguistic variety, and intercultural team dynamics.

Gender equality and inclusion are a vital part of our LMUexcellent future concept. This sees LMU reinforcing its strategic commitment, continuing to set priorities and thereby enhancing its academic profile over the long term. Gender equality and inclusion are now guiding principles that have been formally worked into our LMU governance structure. They sit alongside intercultural competence and internationalization — as both will play an important role in our future.

LMU supports community members in acquiring international experience and skills through a wide range of activities and initiatives. These include our Staff Exchange program, intercultural training sessions and welcome events. When we refer to diversity within our LMU community, we mean that every member should be given the same opportunity to develop. We're convinced this contributes to everyone's success — and naturally, the attractiveness — of our university.

Intercultural & international advice

LMU values a community comprising people from all walks of life and different cultural backgrounds. We pride ourselves on being open, accepting and respectful.

To promote cultural diversity and internationality within our study community, we offer students access to confidential counselling sessions and provide support finding your feet or adapting to your new environment. This includes guidance on academic paper writing and other support services where and when they're needed.

LMU values a community comprising people from all walks of life and different cultural backgrounds. We pride ourselves on being open, accepting and respectful.

For international students that have just arrived, it's important to make inclusion and participation easy. This is something close to our hearts. And it's why we offer support and counselling during this critical adjustment period. Support also covers help with financial challenges or cases of hardship.

The International Office advises LMU students thinking about studying abroad. Got a question or a concern about the Erasmus+ or LMUexchange program? We're here to help. We go out of our way to inform and prepare students thoroughly. Come along to one of our information events, fairs, personal consultations, or intercultural prep sessions. These are here to help you find the pathway that suits you best and plan for your first study abroad.

We offer LMU community members—from all corners of the world—access to a network that helps them become active contributors, and promotes their development both professionally and personally. We view intercultural team collaboration as something that enriches our university.

LMU cultivates the right environment to ensure the everyone in our community can contribute equally—and ultimately thrive. It goes without saying that German and international students enjoy exactly the same rights.

The standard of care afforded our international students—in terms of professional, linguistic and social support—are laid out in the National Code of Conduct signed to by LMU.

LMU believes in offering all students equal access to ensure they can participate fully during their studies.

Ethnic origin shouldn't be a barrier to anything. We invite asylum seekers and refugees to come along and find out what's required to get accepted onto a degree program.

Supporting intercultural exchange with others

We take care of our international students—and value their role in creating a vibrant university environment. That's why we encourage intercultural networking and exchange with others. The more we promote this, the more our shared culture benefits. Workshops, open discussions and Stammtische (regular meetings) hosted by the Intercultural Counseling team make it easier to settle in to your new environment.

LMU promotes the integration of international scientists in Munich. Regular events for newly arrived scientists and their families help to establish that all-important first network and make it to settle in.

At LMU, we consider the cultural diversity within our community to be an enrichment. But it's also a driver in that it promotes the inclusion and participation of everyone. A major reason for this is the exchange that happens between native German and international students. We host a number of events that help students build closer connections. These include our LMU Buddy Program and TutoRIA.

LMU supports international scientists relocating to Munich through a range of services designed to help them settle in and adjust to their new environment. Scientists and their families are given advice and assistance on matters such as visa, insurance, housing or childcare facilities.

Intercultural teaching and learning

LMU is a truly cosmopolitan university priding itself on offering the best, internationally oriented degree programs to match.

A large number of our degree programs are taught in English or can be completed as a double degree—in cooperation with a partner university abroad.

The International Office offers students planning to take part in an exchange program a number of support services covering your prep, time abroad, and return. Before starting an exchange program, you can take part in intercultural seminars and join follow-up seminars upon your return. And here's another plus: while you're away we also provide online support. We'll put you in touch with former students who have done what you're doing so that you can share experiences.

LMU promotes internationalization at all levels.

An important component in our internationalization strategy is the mobility of our teaching staff. We make it possible for our teaching staff to experience working in a foreign university—offering financial support if necessary.

Educational equity and the opportunity to participate equally is key to a thriving university environment. And LMU champions both. Our extended range of digital teaching and e-learning services, now makes it possible to access a wide variety of events, presentations and lectures across multiple disciplines via the VideoOnline portal.

Intercultural diversity in the workplace

We are a cosmopolitan, internationally oriented university wanting to see all LMU members reap the full benefit of the community they belong to.

Professors and postdocs as well as their families are guided all the way by LMU's Dual Career Service and LMU Gateway. This makes arriving to LMU and establishing a life in Munich far easier.

LMU recognizes the potential of each individual member of our community—embracing different perspectives and mindsets.

Cultural diversity sparks exciting exchange with others characterized by creativity, linguistic variety and intercultural team dynamics. Students, teaching and administrative staff can take advantage of exchange programs with partner universities.

At LMU, we appreciate the diversity amongst the members of our community. Cultural diversity and internationality reflect LMU values and embody acceptance and tolerance.

To ensure every LMU community member is included, we continue to break down—and through—barriers. Language courses on offer are just one way that language barriers can be overcome.

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