Global Health Day 2025

Climate change, sustainability, and planetary health are global challenges that can only be tackled collectively and on an interdisciplinary basis. The Global Health Day 2025 aims to connect scientists from European universities and create a platform for interdisciplinary and international projects in the field of global health.

Second Global Health Day on 7 and 8 April 2025

Under the patronage of the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH), excellent scientists from LMU and its eight European partner universities are invited to present their research in the field of global health. A diverse program is planned over two days on 7 and 8 April 2025, in the main building of LMU. The program includes lectures, keynotes, workshops, project pitches, and a poster exhibition.

Would you like to present your research topic in the field of global health or lead a workshop? Or do you have suggestions for speakers? Please contact us at

Further information, including a registration form for participants, will follow.

This was Global Health Day 2024

Event Global Health Day 2024


First Global Health Day at LMU

On 11 April 2024, LMU hosted its first interdisciplinary day on global health under the auspices of the European University Alliance EUGLOH.

Event Highlights

For the first time, an interdisciplinary day on the topic of global health was held at LMU. Over 300 people attended the event to discuss medical, social, economic, and philosophical implications in the field of global health and to work on solutions for various challenges. All faculties of LMU were also given the opportunity to present their expertise and relevant current research findings.

Opening and Keynote Speeches

After Prof. Francesca Biagini, Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity, opened the Global Health Day, Prof. Eva Rehfuess delivered the first keynote speech on evidence-based responses to complex challenges in global health. Prof. Laura Edinger-Schons from the University of Hamburg gave the second keynote speech on sustainability transformation in organizations and the role of purpose, participation, and impact measurement.

Presentations and Workshops

A total of 17 presentations, 16 posters, 6 workshops, and 8 booths from LMU institutions related to global health were available to visit. Topics ranged from global health problems to sustainability in education and economic aspects of global health. Social issues such as war trauma and its long-term effects or online misogyny were also discussed. In the workshops, participants engaged in constructive global health communication, explored global health in West Africa, or participated in a role-play on climate change.

BioDiversity Wall Pitch

Additionally, a "BioDiversity Wall Pitch" took place. Eight applicants presented their research projects in the field of biodiversity. The jury ultimately chose the project "Making Diversity of Diversity Visible" by Prof. Joachim Haug from the Faculty of Biology. This project will become the main theme for a publicly accessible installation in the main LMU building, highlighting the scientific connections between human, animal, and environmental health as well as biodiversity. However, other presented projects might also be included in the "BioDiversity Wall" installation.


The event concluded with a concert by the "University Choir Munich" featuring excerpts from the choir program "Animalia!" Thus, the first LMU Global Health Day ended on a lively note with sounds and works about the animal world—diverse, multifaceted, and rich in species. The joint discussions and collaborations have just begun, though. The second LMU Global Health Day is already in planning and will take place on 7/8 April 2025.

Download files:
Program Global Health Day 2024 (PDF, 140 KB)
Book of Abstracts Global Health Day 2024 (PDF, 364 KB)

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