12 Dec

Art Inspired by Science – Black Holes and Wishing Machines

Opening hours / Beginning:

7:00 pm

12 December 2023


Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Seestraße 13 80802 München
Ena Oppenheimer, GOD IS LEFTHANDED (2023)

© Ena Oppenheimer, Foto: Siegfried Wameser

Panel discussion with Ena Oppenheimer, Doctor Ingmar Saberi and Doctor Björn Vedder.

Ena Oppenheimer takes the intersection of art and science as her starting point. She has a keen interest in aspects of reality that are beyond human perception – aspects that are researched and described on the basis of scientific theories.

Ingmar Saberi is a theoretical physicist who, as a Researcher in Residence at CAS, is currently engaged in a project on Higher Current Algebras.

Stand-out works on literature, art and society are publicist Björn Vedder’s stock in trade. His most recent work is Reicher Pöbel. Über die Monster des Kapitalismus (Rich Rabble. On the Monsters of Capitalism).

The event will be held in German. Participants are requested to register for this event. For more information, please visit the CAS website.

The Center for Advanced Studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich is a forum for intensive interdisciplinary academic exchange. Its activities promote various forms of cooperation and interdisciplinary communication within the university. It also fosters the participation of visiting scholars in academic life at LMU.

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