12 Dec

Basics of Islam: Hasan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:15 pm

12 December 2023


M 114 / Main building Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

© Museum Fünf Kontinente, Marietta Weidner

Hasan al-Banna (1906-49), founder and leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, ranks among the icons of Sunni Islam. In the space of just two decades, the Muslim Brotherhood – founded in 1928 – went from being a Sufi-influenced religious movement to a politically active mass movement with a Pathfinder-like youth organization, a women’s section and, ultimately, a clandestine element.

Today it has a presence throughout the world and is highly controversial almost everywhere. Many see it as spearheading a radical anti-Western ideology. Yet what was so radical about the charismatic schoolteacher who preached jihad to combat colonialism but rejected the notion of revolution?

The lecture will be presented by Professor Gudrun Krämer (FU Berlin) as part of the series Basics of Islam: Personalities organized by the Münchner Mittelost-Mittelmeer-Mittelasien-Zentrum (4MZ, Munich Middle East Mediterranean Central Asia Center).

It will also serve as an opening ceremony for the newly founded 4MZ center. The event will therefore also feature welcome addresses by Vice President Professor Hans van Ess and the Dean, Professor Irene Götz.

The event will be held in German. You can find more information on the website of the Institute for Near and Middle Eastern studies.

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