21 Oct

Career Service: Strategic and effective Jobsearch

Opening hours / Beginning:

4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

21 October 2024


Hansa Haus München Brienner Straße 39 80333 München

Searching for a new job can be a very time-consuming and long effort: there are hundreds of job search engines, matching portals and companies post their vacancies on Social media. What is the most effective way to find a new job?

This workshop offers:

  • a glimpse behind the scenes of the recruiting process
  • building an application strategy that matches background, personality and interests
  • understanding the variety and evaluate job search channels for ones needs
  • do’s and dont’s for the communication with Hiring Managers and Recruiters during the job search
  • defining effective networking channels for the job search

You can find more information on the Career Service website.

What are you looking for?