As we know from social psychological research of the last 50 years, human information processing (i.e., perception, evaluation, storage, retrieval) is by no means “objective”, but rather motivationally biased: Information processing is essentially shaped by individual goals, values, attitudes, and expectations. Nevertheless, the assumption that humans are always willing and able to absorb information unfiltered, to weigh arguments rationally, to make reasoned (“rational”) decisions, etc., is still found in many social discourses and practices (e.g. criminal law) and political programs. If one were to accept human information processing for what it is – motivated biased – some paradoxes would be resolved and social conflicts would be better understood.
- Prof. Dr. Florian Englmaier (LMU),
- Prof. Dr. Karsten Fischer (LMU),
- Prof. Dr. Mario Gollwitzer (LMU),
- Dr. Astrid Séville (LMU) and
- Dr. Anna Wehofsits (LMU)
Participating researchers:
- Assoc. Prof. Robby Akerlof (Warwick),
- Prof. Jeanne Hagenbach (CNRS/Sciences Po, Paris),
- Prof. Stephan Lewandowsky (Bristol),
- Prof. Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside),
- Prof. Åsa Wikforss (Stockholm) and others.
The event is part of the CAS research focus Democracy in crisis.
The event will be streamed in English. Prior registration by email is required. For further information, see the CAS website.
The Center for Advanced Studies at LMU provides a forum for scientific exchange and discussion that bridges the divide between the established disciplines. Its activities are designed to promote all forms of collaborative research and to stimulate interdisciplinary communication within the University. In addition, it facilitates the integration of visiting scholars and scientists into the academic life of the University.