10 Oct
11 Oct

CDR Dialogue 2023: First educational conference on CO₂ removal

Opening hours / Beginning:

10 October 2023 - 11 October 2023


Deutsches Museum Museumsinsel 1 80538 München

Active removal of the greenhouse gas CO₂ from the atmosphere (CDR = Carbon Dioxide Removal) is considered necessary in climate research in order to be able to meet the 1.5 degree target. CDR measures can have different potentials, risks and impacts. The public and political debate on the use of CDR is therefore fraught with tension.

As with other issues central to climate protection, the complex interplay of advantages and disadvantages of the various solutions must be well understood, carefully weighed against each other, and reflected upon on the basis of ecological, economic, social, political, and ethical considerations. CDR should therefore become part of school education.

To achieve this, researchers and university didacticians at CDRterra have launched a nationwide educational conference on CO₂ removal. This will take place for the first time at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. The motto: Developing perspectives, testing educational and mediation formats, designing lessons.

The event aims to consider how a thematically challenging, disciplinarily broad topic with high social significance for school education can be prepared.

Thematic introduction: Measures for carbon dioxide removal (CDR):

  • Prof. Julia Pongratz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtität München
  • Prof. Andreas Oschlies, Geomar Kiel


  • Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) Climateengineering als Gegenstand des Philosophie- und Ethikunterrichts?Leader: Dr. Johannes Abel
  • All about that b…iomass – Wie Biomasse und Negativemissionen zusammenspielen
    Leader: Ronja Wollnik
  • FutureLabs zwischen Schulklassen, Experten und Studierenden als Labore für CO2-Capture
    Leader: Oliver Kunkel
  • CDR-Maßnahmen in der vergleichenden Beurteilung Jugendlicher – Einblicke in eine Unterrichtssequenz
    Leader: Dr. Christian Baumann
  • What to do with CO2? – Ein bilinguales BNE Schülerlaborangebot im Fach Chemie
    Leader: Elisabeth Kiesling

The event will be held in German. Participation in the conference is free of charge. A registration is required until 22 September 2023. For more information visit the website of the research program.

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