07 Dec

Climate Change, Conflict, and Cooperation

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:30 pm

7 December 2023


Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Seestraße 13 80802 München
Stephan Huber, Shining

CAS LMU - Stephan Huber, Shining, Art at CAS, SoSe 2022

© Stephan Huber

The academic literature on climate change and conflict has so far mostly focused on violent armed conflict and concerns about such security implications of climate change are increasingly appearing in defense and foreign policy communities. Yet, cooperative responses to climate change impacts are arguably more prevalent than violent outcomes and deserve more academic attention. For understanding how to foster peaceful responses to climatic hazards, studies of the full spectrum of cooperation and conflict responses are needed.

Speaker: Prof. Miranda Schreurs, Ph.D. (TUM)

Chair: Prof. Vally Koubi, Ph.D.

Vally Koubi is a Professor (Titular) and Senior Scientist at the Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), and a Professor at the Institute of Economics at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Additionally, she was formerly the Director of CIS at ETH Zurich.

A registration is required. You can find more information on the CAS website.

The Center for Advanced Studies at LMU provides a forum for scientific exchange and discussion that bridges the divide between the established disciplines. Its activities are designed to promote all forms of collaborative research and to stimulate interdisciplinary communication within the University. In addition, it facilitates the integration of visiting scholars and scientists into the academic life of the University.

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