06 Jul

Conversations with LMU personalities: Francesca Biagini

Opening hours / Beginning:

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

6 July 2021


The LMU Center for Leadership and People Management invites you to a new series of online interviews: "Converations with LMU personalities".

In this series of virtual “fireside chats”, we introduce you to some of LMU’s personalities. Each of these conversations will focus first on the interviewee’s academic and professional career, before turning to aspects of the subject’s personal development. Viewers can look forward to insights into the interviewee’s field of research, style of leadership, and work-life balance. Members of the audience will also have the chance to put questions to our guests at the end of each interview.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about our interesting and thought-provoking guests. Perhaps you too will find inspiration in their diverse career paths, and discover new aspects of LMU and its people.

Interviewer: Prof. Dr. Dieter Frey

Interviewee: Prof. Dr. Francesca Biagini, Professor of Applied Mathematics, and LMU Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity

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