The global coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on the University and on society as a whole. As a result, like the foregoing Summer Semester 2020, the Winter Semester 2020-2021 has presented severe organizational challenges. Yet the University also has a vital role to play in the pandemic, for the fight against the virus is in large part a scientific task. Consequently, there is great public interest in the results of research on SARS-CoV-2 and the social repercussions of the measures taken to keep its propagation in check.
LMU therefore invites members of the public to a series of online lectures given by established investigators from its various Faculties. Focusing on a selection of relevant topics, our series of "Corona Lectures" shows how research groups at LMU are contributing to our knowledge of the coronavirus. Beginning in November 2020, academics at LMU report on their current medical, scientific, social and cultural research projects and the insights they have gained from these projects.
A lecture given by Prof. Dr. med. Michael Hoelscher, head of the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at LMU
The event will be held in German.
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