The discovery eight years ago that CRISPR/Cas can be used to cleave DNA at specific sites revolutionized research – especially in medicine and plant breeding. This new method makes it possible to cut and modify DNA in a targeted manner (genome editing) at low cost and with unprecedented efficiency. Due to its ease of use, CRISPR/Cas-assisted gene editing has become a widely applied and rapidly evolving technology. Now we are able not only to read genomes, but also to re-write them essentially at will.
LMU researchers who are familiar with the technology will discuss its impact on their respective fields.
This event was organized by the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS).
Prof. Dr. Christoph Klein is Medical Director of the Pediatric Clinic in Dr. von Hauner' s Children's Hospital at LMU
Prof. Dr. Dominik Paquet is Professor of Neurobiology in the Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD) at LMU
Dr. Silke Robatzek is the Leader of an Independent Research Group on Plant-Cell Immunity at the LMU Biocenter
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Wolf is Professor of Molecular Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology at LMU's Gene Center
Alison Abbott PhD is Senior European Correspondent for Nature in Munich
Further information is available on the CAS website.