03 Apr

DFG Proposal Writing Workshop: Individual Research Grant

Opening hours / Beginning:

9:00 am - 3:30 pm

3 April 2025



The Unit for Research Funding at LMU organizes a DFG Proposal Writing Workshop, coaching researchers at an early career stage on how to prepare high quality applications to the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The proposal writing workshop will focus on the Individual Research Grant offered by the DFG, a funding scheme that gives researchers the opportunity to conduct a research project of their own design for a length of up to three years. It is possible to apply for your own position ("Eigene Stelle") as part of this grant. During the workshop hands-on exercises will be combined with tips on crafting a convincing funding proposal as well as program specific information about the DFG application process.

The workshop is limited to researchers preparing an application in this program whose project is going to be hosted at LMU Munich.

A registration is required. You can find more information on #EXCELLerate.

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