08 Sep

Environmental Studies Certificate Program

Opening hours / Beginning:

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

8 September 2022



Students from all disciplines have the opportunity to acquire an interdisciplinary, study-accompanying additional qualification in the environmental field. The interdisciplinary, international format, as well as workshops, excursions, and lectures by environmental researchers from all over the world, make the program unique in Germany.

Join the certificate program (deadline 20 September 2023)!

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The certificate program is open to all Master’s students, Diplom students, as well as candidates for teaching professions and state examinations.

New academic and intellectual orientations, new occupational profiles, and knowledge of climate change and environmental challenges are created through the program, which is an additional study qualification to the primary course. Intensive supervision, outstanding teaching, interdisciplinarity, and a high degree of internationality offer optimal study conditions.

The qualification, which is acquired in four semesters (33 ECTS credits) in addition to the primary course of study, enables students to overcome the limits of their subject during their studies and thus also opens up new career opportunities within and outside the university.

The program is an initiative of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and LMU Munich.

The information event takes place online (Meeting-ID: 744 529 7769, code number: 166866).
You can find more information on the website of the certificate program.

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