15 Sep
17 Sep

Exhibition: Mushrooms — A lively exhibition on the diversity of native species of mushrooms

Opening hours / Beginning:

15 September 2023 - 17 September 2023


Botanical Garden Munich, winter hall Menzinger Straße 65 80638 München
Satansröhrling (Rubroboletus satanas)

Satansröhrling (Rubroboletus satanas) | © Dr. Georg Dünzl, Verein für Pilzkunde München e.V.

Shortly before the opening of the special exhibition, the members of the Verein für Pilzkunde München e.V. swarm out to collect fresh exhibits. The aim is to provide as comprehensive an insight as possible into the organismal kingdom of fungi. Many hundreds of species are gathered for this purpose and presented for a weekend in the winter hall of the Botanical Garden.

A collaboration with the Verein für Pilzkunde München e.V./Association for mycology Munich e.V.

Tickets: 6,50 Euro / 4,50 Euro (reduced price). You can find more information on the website of the Botanical Garden Munich.

LMU collaborates closely with the Botanische Staatssammlung München (State Botanical Collections in Munich). The cooperation goes back to the year 1820 and was initiated by the naturalist Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, LMU's first Professor of Botany, who was also the Director of the Botanische Staatssammlung München. Since then, the two positions have always been linked. Professor Gudrun Kadereit, who holds the Chair of Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution of Plants at LMU, is the current Director of the Collection and the Botanical Garden.

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