Genres and Disciplines of Learning in Judaeo-Arabic Literature: 21st conference of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies
The emergence of Judaeo-Arabic literature was related to new ways of organizing and transmitting knowledge. The introduction of new disciplines went hand in hand with the development of new teaching methods and textual practices, as well as the adoption of new literary genres and novel concepts of authorship. These changes had a lasting effect on Jewish literature ever since and reflected contemporaneous developments in non-Jewish literatures.
The conference seeks to understand genres and disciplines of learning as dynamic structures that are never fixed and static, but continuously interact with the reading public, the social environment, the literary canon, and with other texts.
Convened by Sarah Stroumsa and Ronny Vollandt, on behalf of the Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies. Organized by Friederike S. Schmidt and Gregor Schwarb.
You can find more information on the website of the Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies.