14 Feb

Green Visions: Taste of hope

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

14 February 2022


Einstein 28, Bildungszentrum der MVHS Einsteinstraße 28 81675 München

Film screening and discussion

In 2010, Unilever announced the closing of the profitable tea factory Fralib in the South of France. After 1336 days of protest, workers celebrated their victory against the multinational corporation and became the owners of the factory. Now, with the takeover of the company and the production under the workers’ control, a new struggle has begun. Is this alternative project capable of surviving in an oversaturated and highly competitive market?

A discussion with Quentin Orain (FoodHub München) will follow the screening.

The original version of the film will be shown with German subtitles.
The discussion will be held in German. It is free and open to the public.
For further information and registration, please visit the website of the Rachel Carson Center.

The Rachel Carson Center hosts the Green Visions film series in cooperation with the Deutsches Museum and the Münchner Volkshochschule.

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