BMC Trailblazer Lecture: Imaging subcellular organelle structure, dynamics, and interactions
Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz is a cell biologist known for her pioneering work in life sciences. She made numerous seminal contributions on organelle trafficking and metabolism. She is most well-known for developing live-cell imaging techniques and for the generation of a photoactivatable fluorophore. Here she collaborated with Eric Betzig and Harald Hess and revolutionized super-resolution microscopy. Over more than three decades, Jennifer has made significant contributions to our understanding of cellular dynamics and organelle movements within cells. Since she moved to the Janelia Research Campus in 2016, she is now expanding to the brain.
For the lecture series Trailblazer eminent scientists whose pioneering work opened new research perspectives are invited to the BMC. Trailblazer Lectures are organized in collaboration with partner programs. Co-organized by the Biomedical Center (BMC), SyNergy and the Munich Center for Neurosciences (MCN).
You can find more information on the BMC website.