08 Aug
12 Aug

Laws of nature

Opening hours / Beginning:

8 August 2022 - 12 August 2022


Mathematical Institute Theresienstr. 39

The first conference of the Laws of nature initiative is aimed at bringing together senior and junior scientists and promote scientific exchange on fundamental questions in physics, philosophy, and mathematics.

This conference will in particular be held remembering Detlef Dürr and his profound legacy by means of bringing together many of the people, senior and junior, who in different ways played a major role in Detlef's life. In the spirit of Detlef's comprehensive approach to understanding the laws of nature, it will be an international and interdisciplinary conference covering physical, mathematical, and philosophical aspects in the foundations of physics.

Organized by:

  • Angelo Bassi, University of Trieste
  • Dirk - André Deckert, LMU Munich
  • Dustin Lazarovici, Technion
  • Peter Pickl, Tübingen
  • Paula Reichert-Schürmer, LMU Munich
  • Ward Struyve, KU Leuven

Registration is required. You can find more information on the website of the event.

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