22 Nov
30 Jan

Lecture series "Ach Europa! The Fortunes of a Long-Lasting Concept"

Opening hours / Beginning:

Start time at 6:30pm respectively

22 November 2023 - 30 January 2024


Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) Seestraße 13 80802 München
Beate Passow, Monkey Business, Gibralter, Tapisserie, 2017 (Kunst am CAS, WS 2019/20)

Beate Passow, Monkey Business, Gibralter, Tapisserie, 2017 (Art at CAS, WS 2019/20) | © Beate Passow

Over the past decade, the European Union has often been described to be in a constant state of crisis. The sources of these challenges are quite diverse: some are external to the institutional framework of the EU, such as the migrant and the Corona crises; others – such as Brexit – are directly linked to the specificities of European integration. While political conflict and change are features of normal, everyday politics, these crises have – despite all their differences – challenged the ideational, institutional, and constitutional underpinnings of the EU’s political order.

While EU politics have certainly become more contested and while the pressure on existing institutions and arrangements is rising, we argue that there are also many instances in which challenges of the status quo have led to more powers, a stronger role of the EU, and constructive policy solutions. Hence, the ubiquitous use of the crisis narrative should not only compel us to explore processes of discontinuity, but also processes of continuity, stability and renewal.

The lecture series from the CAS Research Focus “Order Contestation” (spokespersons: Professor Kiran Klaus Patel, history, and Professor Berthold Rittberger, political science) aims to engage in a more detailed analysis of the concept “crisis”.


The lectures will be held in German and English. A registration is required. You can find more information on the CAS website.

The Center for Advanced Studies at LMU provides a forum for scientific exchange and discussion that bridges the divide between the established disciplines. Its activities are designed to promote all forms of collaborative research and to stimulate interdisciplinary communication within the University. In addition, it facilitates the integration of visiting scholars and scientists into the academic life of the University.

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