The LMU Latin America Forum 2022 is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on joint projects of researchers from LMU and their partners in Latin America.
An interdisciplinary event
- Speakers from institutions of higher education from seven countries in Latin America will discuss current topics with their counterparts at LMU. The event is organized by the LMU Latin America Network. During this two-days conference, researchers will present their work in four different areas of knowledge:
- Cultures of Knowledge
- Environment
- Health
- Social Dynamics
A hybrid event
- The conference speakers from LMU and our guest speakers from Latin America will come together in Munich for two intensive days of conference. The conference participants from Munich, Latin America and all over world will join virtually via zoom.
This event will be held via Zoom. Please register here. For more information please visit the website of the LMU Latin America Network.
The LMU Latin America Network was set up by researchers at LMU as a framework designed to facilitate thematic and yet interdisciplinary collaborations with partners based in the region. Supported by the International Office of LMU, the network forges new links and strengthens synergies in the area of research, teaching and capacity building between LMU and its partners in Latin America.