11 Jul

Lyrik Kabinett: The richness of the world in the richness of syllables

Opening hours / Beginning:

7:00 pm

11 July 2023


Lyrik Kabinett Amalienstraße 83a (Rückgebäude) 80799 München

‘Lust auf Lyrik‘ am Louise-Schroeder Gymnasium 2023

The 11th grade (1d3) of the Louise-Schroeder-Gymnasium has fun with poetry

Project managers: Andrea Heuser & Nikolai Vogel

Class leader: Margarethe Gebhardt

Writing with all their senses, capturing a cosmos in 17 syllables, remixing the past into the present, translating from the unknown and building ‘word homes’: The children at the Louise Schroeder High School opened their arms and hearts to the adventure of writing poetry. The exciting linguistic treasures they unearthed under the guidance of lyricist and librettist Andrea Heuser and poet and performance artist Nikolai Vogel will now be presented to a live audience. Raise the curtain!

Admission is free. For more information, visit the Lyrik Kabinett website.

The connection and collaboration between LMU and Lyrik Kabinett has lasted more than 30 years and is marked by intense cooperation. Lyrik Kabinett’s more than 70,000 works are available through OPAC to all members of LMU, and numerous events offer a good insight into the contemporary poetry scene.

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