09 Nov
12 Nov

Microscopy techniques: From electron to intravital microscopy

Opening hours / Beginning:

14:00 - 17:30

9 November 2021 - 12 November 2021



International workshop with the University of Sao Paulo Brazil and DWIH

The Multiphoton Intravital Microscopy Core Facility of LMU organizes an international workshop together with the University of Sao Paulo Brazil and DWIH (Deutsche Wissenschafts- und Innovationshäuser).The workshop consists of two days about EM techniques and two days of IVM techniques.The target group consists of post-graduate students and researchers that want to apply Electron and Intravital Microscopy in their studies.

Workshop short program:
9-10 November: Electron Microscopy techniques and applications in Biomedicine
11-12 November: Intravital Microscopy Models applied in Medical Science

Confirmed speakers:
Dr. Hellen Ishikawa-Ankerhold (LMU)
Dr. Roland Fleck (King´s College London)
Dr. Markus Sperandio (LMU)
Prof. Dr. David Entenberger (Albert Einstein College)
Dr. Michael Gerlach (CCG)
Dr. Susanne Stutte (LMU)
Michael Mahlert (Bitplane-Imaris)
Prof. Dr. Hugo de Castro Farias (FioCruz)
Marcio Weichert (German Exchange Programm Agencies)

Course coordinators:
Prof. Dr. Munira M. Abdel Baqui (FMRP-USP)
Prof. Dr. Luis Lamberti da Silva (FMRP-USP)
Dr. Hellen Ishikawa-Ankerhold (LMU)
Dr. Roland Fleck (King´s College London)

Application Deadline: 1 November 2021

For further information about registration and program please read the details.

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