27 Nov

Munich History Lecture: Harold James (Princeton)

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

27 November 2023


Main building (room M 118) Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

© IMAGO / Christian Ohde

Will there be an end to globalization?

Our interconnected world is in disarray. Amid food scarcity, infectious diseases and inflation, social unrest is flaring up. Political systems, called into question, are crumbling and collapsing. Geopolitical thinking is back in fashion, the US dollar’s importance as a global currency is eroding, and the stature of international institutions is in decline.

Professor Harold James (Princeton University) asks whether we currently find ourselves in a phase of deglobalization and what this means for us.

Introduction: Professor Kiran Klaus Patel, LMU

The MUNICH HISTORY LECTURE series is organized in cooperation with the interdisciplinary research group (KFG) "Universalism and Particularism in European Contemporary History".

For more information about this event, please visit LMU’s Historisches Seminar (Historical Seminar) website.

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