07 Aug

Munich University Choir: Brahms and Bruckner

Opening hours / Beginning:

7:30 pm

7 August 2022


LMU’s Great Aula Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

Gala concert to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Munich University Society

After an extended break, the Munich University Choir will be singing again in the Great Aula of LMU Munich at 7:30 p.m. on two consecutive evenings: 7-8 August 2022. To mark the 100th anniversary of the Munich University Society, the choir will present a gala concert with works by Brahms and Bruckner.

In the first half of the concert, the choir will showcase a selection of Brahms’ “moods”, beginning with the rousing Academic Festival Overture – “a cheerful cross-section of student songs à la soupe”, as the composer himself described it. This will be followed by the Schicksalslied (Song of Destiny), an eponymous poem by Friedrich Hölderlin set to music. Full of melancholy and yearning to begin with, the song climaxes in an effervescent allegro. The Alto Rhapsody then delivers a mournfully expressive yet conciliatory musical rendition of a text by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Program: Johannes Brahms // Academic Festival Overture (Op. 80) // Festive and Commemorative Music (Op. 109) // Alto Rhapsody (Op. 54) // Song of Destiny (Op. 53) // Anton Bruckner // Motets // Te Deum WAB 45 //

  • Raffaela Lintl, Soprano
  • Florence Losseau, Mezzosoprano
  • Moon Yung Oh, Tenor
  • Johannes Stermann, Baritone
  • Munich University Choir
  • Collegium Musicum Orchestra
  • Anna Verena Egger, Conductor

Tickets are available online from München Ticket, at all the usual ticket offices and on the door. For more information, please visit the website of the Munich University Society (available in German only).

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