New Normal of Work. Interdisciplinary convention on the normalization effects of post-Fordist lifestyles
The convention addresses historical and present-day forms of work and questions the traditional analytical concepts (of Fordist versus post-Fordist work) in light of the widely observed normalization of boundary-free, subjectivized, precarious and deinstitutionalized work.
The point of departure is the hypothesis of a „new normal” under which the characteristics of post-Fordist work have become so commonplace that they are now deeply embedded in the prevailing work consciousness and work ethic, in work practices and in the (de)regulated fundamentals of many industries and professions.
Rooted in empirical research findings from interdisciplinary perspectives, the convention raises the question: How can a „post-post-Fordist” work paradigm be described in relation to the concept of labor?
The convention is organized by Professor Irene Götz and Petra Schmidt of the Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis and will be held under the auspices of the German Research Foundation (DFG) project Wa(h)re Mutterschaft (Commodification of Motherhood).