In the project Munich Quantum Valley, the Bavarian Academy of Sciences (BAdW), the Fraunhofer Association, the Max Planck Society and Munich’s two universities will pool their expertise in quantum science and technologies, and plan to establish closer links with other Bavarian research institutions involved in these fields. The State of Bavaria is providing 300 million euros for the venture, with the aim of contributing to the realization of German and European research strategies in the quantum sciences.
Simulations that can explore and predict the properties of novel materials and chemical compounds, new methods that allow physical parameters to be measured with unprecedented precision – the spectrum of socially relevant applications of quantum technologies is vast. But what exactly are quanta? How do they work, and why do they have such technological potential? In what areas are they already in use? What kinds of applications are likely to emerge in the future? Can future quantum technologies solve problems that defy today’s most powerful supercomputers? How can quantum computers be interfaced with existing computer architectures?
Where do Germany’s strengths lie – relative to the US and Asia – in terms of basic research, the development of key quantum technologies and their industrial applications? In what areas do we need to improve in order to remain competitive, or rise to the very top, in a global context? What role can Munich Quantum Valley play in all this?
Prof. Dr. Immanuel Bloch, Professor of Experimental Physics at LMU, Director of the Department of Multiparticle Quantum Systems at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Garching, and Spokesperson for the Program Committee on Quantum Systems set up by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research. He has been a member of the BAS since 2018.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Filipp, Director of the BAdW's Walther Meissner Institute for Low Temperature Research and Professor of Technical Physics at the Technical University of Munich. He also chaired of the Committee of Experts that produced the “Road-Map on Quantum Computing”, a set of recommendations for action, for the Federal Government.
Dr. Sebastian Luber, physicist and Senior Director for Technology & Innovation with Infineon Technologies AG. As the leader of a group of experts on quantum technologies drawn from the firm’s various divisions, he has also served on other advisory committees, and was one of the authors of the “Road-Map on Quantum Computing”.
Moderator: Dr. Jeanne Rubner obtained her PhD for research work on artificial intelligence (AI) done in the Physics Department at Technical University of Munich, before taking up a career in journalism. She is currently Editorial Director of the Science and Education Section of Bavarian Radio, having worked as an executive editor for foreign policy for the Süddeutsche Zeitung until 2012.
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