29 Nov

Symposium on AI Research at LMU

Opening hours / Beginning:

6:15 pm - 7:45 pm

29 November 2023


Große Aula Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 80539 München

In order to expand the research network on Artificial Intelligence in Bavaria, numerous new Professorships have been established throughout the state.

After welcome addresses by the vice-president of LMU, Professor Oliver Jahraus, Michael Greiner (Ministerialdirigent Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art), and Dr. Michael Klimke (Managing Director of baiosphere) and opening remarks by Professor Gitta Kutyniok, LMU-Director Konrad Zuse School of Excellence for Reliable AI (relAI), Spokesperson of the CAS Research Focus "Next Generation AI“, the newly appointed AI- and Data Science professors will introduce themselves and their various research approaches at this symposium.

Following the Symposium there will be a reception at the Lichthof of LMU.

Registration is required, the registration form and further information can be found on the event website.

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