21 Jun

The future of art history: "How Can Art History Conceptualize Ecology?"

Opening hours / Beginning:

7:00 pm

21 June 2021

The lecture series #zukunftderkunstgeschichte will explore new perspectives for a modernizized, contemporary approach to the Humanities, which draws upon ideas from social, political, technological and interdisciplinary contexts, without sidelining traditional methodologies.

The lectures will be given by specialists from LMU's School of Arts and external experts and scholars, and are open to all those interested.

How can ecology be conceptualized in art-historical terms? Conversely, what can art history contribute to ecological thinking? In this session, we open a dialog between the two disciplines. By reflecting together on concepts such as environment, landscape and natural resources, we hope to identify overlaps and intersections between ecology and art history that enable us to undertake a cross-sectional survey of the two fields.


Prof. Dr. Chiara Franceschini is Director of the Institute of Art History at LMU. Her research focuses on the art of the Early Modern Period
Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Lipińska is a specialist in the art of the Early Modern Period in the Institute of Art History at LMU.


Dr. Wolfram Kloppmann is a specialist in isotopic hydrology and geochemistry at the French Reference Institute for Geosciences, Natural Resources and Geological Hazards (BRGM).
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Wolf is a Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society, Director of the Institute of Art History in Florence and an Honorary Professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin.

To attend this lecture series, please register once in advance. Following registration, you will receive a confirmatory e-mail with details on how to access the meeting. All events will be conducted in German, recorded and subsequently made available on LMUcast.

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