23 Nov

Tuesday Discussion with Laura Schultheiss

Opening hours / Beginning:

4:15 pm - 5:15 pm

23 November 2021


Leopoldstraße 13 80802 München

This week's Tuesday Discussion will be with Laura Schultheiss from glassic (by Enactus München), an initiative that seeks to combat plastic pollution around the world through the implementation of a circular economy. Members of this start-up provide plastic substitutes, help to clean beaches, and create awareness for plastic pollution. By targeting locations in South-East Asia they fight for a plastic-free environment in one of the most affected areas.

For further information, see the website of the Rachel Carson Center.

The Tuesday Discussions bring environmental practitioners such as politicians, leaders in NGOs, and activists to the RCC to discuss topical environmental issues. The guests also offer insights into the application of different environmental qualifications and knowledge in practice. The Tuesday Discussion is open primarily to RCC fellows, members of the Doctoral Program Environment and Society (Proenviron), and students of the Environmental Studies Certificate Program (ESCP).

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