19 May

VIU Lectures - Venice and its Lagoon | Unesco World Heritage Site

Opening hours / Beginning:

5:30 pm

19 May 2021

© imago / image BROKER / Marc Rasmus

VIULectures is a series of talks on topical issues of interest to the VIU Community. They are open to the public, and are currently being held online due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.
Venice and its Lagoon" was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1987, in recognition of its unique historical, archaeological, urban and artistic heritage and exceptional cultural traditions, integrated into an extraordinary natural landscape. The site is facing several significant challenges in coping with the impacts of climate change, water traffic, conservation of built heritage, depopulation, and over-tourism. VIU has invited experienced professionals in the field of heritage conservation for a discussion about the measures, strategies, and innovations that are needed to guarantee a sustainable future for Venice and its Lagoon.


Katia Basili, Coordinator of the Office for the Management of the World Heritage Site "Venice and its Lagoon"- City of Venice
- The World Heritage System: Objectives, Actors and Processes

Matteo Rosati, Programme Specialist, Culture Unit Officer-in-Charge, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe


Giorgio Andrian, Università degli Studi di Padova & VIU, currently teaching in the Globalization Program (Addressing Sustainable Development: The Role of International Sites' Designations within a Green Diplomacy Framework)

The event is open to the public. Please click here for the registration.

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