12 May

VIU Lectures - The Future of Europe

Opening hours / Beginning:

5:00 pm

12 May 2021

© jorisvo / fotolia.com

VIULectures is a series of talks on topical issues of interest to the VIU Community. They are open to the public, and are currently being held online due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic.

On May 6, EU Commission President, Ursula Von Der Leyen will deliver the State of the Union in Florence, laying out the challenges and opportunities for Europe amidst rising concerns over global commons and the climate emergency, a shifting economic and geopolitical power balance, major challenges to multilateralism, and the ongoing global battle against COVID-19. VIU has invited esteemed guests for an informed discussion on the future of Europe in a Changing World.

The Future of Europe in a Changing World: Die Venice International University organises an interesting discussion on 12 May 2021 about the challenges for Europe. The guests are: Sara De Vido, Professor of International Law at Ca’ Foscari University, Sir Michael Leigh, Academic Director of the Master of Arts in European Public Policy, und Senior Adjunct Professor of European Studies at SAIS Europe. Luisella Pavan-Woolfe, Head of Council of Europe Office in Venice, and Anthony Teasdale, Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service.

The discussion will be held online.

The event will be held in English and is open to the public. Please click here for the registration.

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