Professor Dr. Matthias Garschagen, Chair of Human Geography with a focus on Human-Environment Relations and Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences at LMU, has been appointed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) within the Upcoming Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. As such, he will play a leading role in shaping one of the report’s core chapters as well as the summary for policymakers (SPM). Garschagen is the only German scientist serving as a Coordinating Lead Author for this report.
Garschagen will co-lead chapter 3 which assesses actions and solutions to reduce urban risks (e.g. regarding floods, storms and heat in cities) and emissions (e.g. through energy or transport transitions). “Due to strong urbanization globally, climate change adaptation as well as mitigation in and of cities is crucial for achieving climate resilient development and combating the climate crises overall”, emphasizes Garschagen. “In particular, we need to better understand which measures really work for reducing cities’ risks as well as emissions, and how they can be planned and implemented in a socially acceptable way.” Commissioned by 195 IPCC member states, the report will therefore assess the available science regarding urban risks and the options for adaptation as well as mitigation. In doing so, it will provide policy-relevant information helping to advance action from global to local scales. The report will be released in March 2027. Further information can be accessed at the report’s website.