Humboldt research fellows at LMU
7 Feb 2023
Once again in 2022, many Humboldt research fellows chose a research stay at LMU.
7 Feb 2023
Once again in 2022, many Humboldt research fellows chose a research stay at LMU.
Through the Humboldt Research Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified postdoctoral and experienced researchers from around the globe to carry out a research project of their choice in Germany. The successful foreign researchers choose their respective hosts in Germany themselves.
Dr. Alfred Archer (Tilburg University Center for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS)), Practical Philosophy. Host: Prof. Monika Betzler, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies. January 2022.
Prof. Luca Bagetto (University of Pavia, Department of Musicology and Cultural Heritage), Philosophy. Host: Prof. Thomas J. Schärtl-Trendel, Chair of Fundamental Theology and Ecumenism. January 2022.
Dr. Justin Begley (University of Helsinki, Department of History), Early Modern History. Host: Prof. Kärin Nickelsen, Historical Seminar. January 2022.
Dr. Alix Cohen (University of Edinburgh, Department of Philosophy), History of Philosophy. Host: Prof. Monika Betzler, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies. January 2022.
Dr. Elena Fratto (Princeton University, Slavic Languages and Literatures Department), Slavic Languages (Linguistics). Host: Prof. Riccardo Nicolosi, Institute of Slavic Philology. January 2022.
Dr. Salar Abbasi (Universidade Católica Portuguesa), History of Law, Constitutional History. Host: Prof. Susanne Lepsius, Chair of German and European Legal History, Roman and Canon Law (ius commune) and Private Law. February 2022.
Dr. Sohrab Ahmadivand (University of Tehran, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine), Veterinary Medicine. Host: Prof. Dusan Palic, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. February 2022.
Dr. Nikolay Isaev (Russian Academy of Sciences, Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion), Spectroscopy. Host: Prof. Wolfgang Frieß, Department of Pharmacy – Center for Pharmaceutical Research. February 2022.
Dr. Anil Kumar Pal, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Host: Prof. Stefan Alexander Maier, Faculty of Physics, Nano Institute. February 2022.
Dr. Guillaume Berthon (University of Toulon, BABEL Laboratory), Romance Literature. Host: Prof. Beate Kellner, Institute of German Philology. March 2022.
Dr. Sam Kennerley (Princeton University, Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies), Early Modern History. Host: Prof. Arndt Brendecke, Historical Seminar. March 2022.
Dr. Jinpu Lin (University of Michigan, Center for Ultrafast Optical Science), Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas. Host: Prof. Stefan Karsch, Chair of Experimental Physics – Laser Spectroscopy. March 2022.
Prof. Sheila Irene McMullin (University of Essex, School of Philosophy and Art History), Practical Philosophy. Host: Prof. Monika Betzler, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies. March 2022.
Dr. Bernadeta Patro-Gob (Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Pediatrics), Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Host: Prof. Berthold Koletzko, University of Munich Hospital, Downtown Campus, Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital. Department of Metabolism and Nutrition. March 2022.
Dr. Johanna Conterio (University of Oslo, Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History), Modern and Current History. Host: Prof. Christof Mauch, Rachel Carson Center. April 2022.
Dr. Alexandru Grozavu (University of Oxford, Department of Chemistry), Organic Molecular Chemistry. Host: Prof. Ivan Huc, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. April 2022.
Prof. Piotr Steinkeller (Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations), Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Host: Prof. Walther Sallaberger, Institute of Assyriology and Hittite Studies. April 2022.
Prof. Lisa Tauxe (University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography), Geophysics. Host: Prof. Stuart Gilder, Faculty of Geosciences, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. April 2022.
Dr. Magdalen Connolly (University of Cambridge, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies), Historical Linguistics. Host: Prof. Ronny Vollandt, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies. May 2022.
Prof. Markham J. Geller (University College London, Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies), Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Host: Prof. Enrique Jimenez, Institute of Assyriology and Hittite Studies. May 2022.
Dr. Kathleen Jepson (Radboud University, Nijmegen, Centre for Language Studies (CLS)), General and Applied Linguistics, Typology, Non-European Languages. Host: Prof. Jonathan Harrington, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing. May 2022.
Prof. Kenneth N. Raymond (University of California, Berkeley, Department of Chemistry), Inorganic Molecular Chemistry. Host: Prof. Lena Daumann, Department of Chemistry. May 2022.
Dr. Luca Sortino (University of Sheffield, Department of Physics and Astronomy), Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Host: Prof. Stefan Alexander Maier, Faculty of Physics, Nano Institute. May 2022.
Dr. Julian Gargiulo (Faculty of Physics, Nano Institute), Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Host: Prof. Emiliano Cortés, Faculty of Physics, Center for NanoScience (CeNS). June 2022.
Prof. Nicola Lacetera (University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management), Economic Policy, Applied Economics. Host: Prof. Florian Englmaier, Faculty of Economics. June 2022.
Dr. Chiara Lisciandra (University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business FEB), Theoretical Philosophy. Host: Prof. Stephan Hartmann, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. June 2022.
Prof. Boris Z. Spivak (University of Washington, Department of Physics), Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Host: Prof. Viatcheslav Mukhanov, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics. June 2022.
Dr. Baej Bugajski (Cracow University of Economics, Department of Law), Private Law. Host: Prof. Anatol Dutta, Chair of Private Law, Private International Law and Comparative Law. July 2022.
Dr. John Clarke (University of Tartu, Institute of Zoology and Botany, K. E. von Baer Museum), Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals and Ecosystems, Organismic Interactions. Host: Dr. Sebastian Höhna, Faculty of Geosciences, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. July 2022.
Dr. Tristan Franklinos (University of Oxford, Trinity College), Classical Philology. Host: Prof. Marc-Aeilko Aris, Faculty of Languages and Literatures, Department II, Greek and Latin Philology. July 2022.
Prof. Sergey Ivanov (Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Faculty of Humanities, Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies), Classical Philology. Host: Prof. Albrecht Berger, Institute for Byzantine Studies, Byzantine Art History and Modern Greek Studies. July 2022.
Prof. Changke Li (Peking University, Faculty of West European Languages, Division of German Language and Literature), Modern German Literature. Host: Prof. Sven Hanuschek, Institute of German Philology. July 2022.
Prof. Alexander Nikolaev (Boston University, Department of Classical Studies), Classical Philology. Host: Prof. Olav Hackstein, Chair of Historical and Indo-Germanic Linguistics. July 2022.
Dr. Luiz Pereira (LMU, Faculty of Geosciences), Geology. Host: Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell, Faculty of Geosciences, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. July 2022.
Prof. Daniel Pietrek (University of Opole, Institute of Literary Studies), Modern German Literature. Host: Prof. Sven Hanuschek, Institute of German Philology. July 2022.
Dr. Simone Pinto Carneiro (LMU, Department of Pharmacy), Pharmacy. Host: Prof. Olivia Merkel, Department of Pharmacy. July 2022.
Prof. Celeste Arrington (George Washington University, Department of Political Science), Government, Political Systems. Host: Prof. Gabriele Vogt, Department of Asian Studies, Japan Center. August 2022.
Dr. Rosalind Helen Drinkwater (Queen Mary University of London, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences), Evolution, Anthropology. Host: Prof. Laurent Frantz, Institute of Paleoanatomy, Domestication Research and History of Veterinary Medicine. August 2022.
Prof. Jered Haun (University of California, Irvine, Department of Biomedical Engineering), Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering. Host: Prof. Tim Liedl, Faculty of Physics. August 2022.
Prof. Nathan Arrington (Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology). Classical Archaeology. Host: Prof. Ruth Bielfeldt, Institute of Classical Archaeology. September 2022.
Dr. Fridah Kanana Erastus (Kenyatta University, Department of Literature, Linguistics and Foreign Languages), General and Applied Linguistics, Typology, Non-European Languages. Host: Prof. Jonathan Harrington, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing. September 2022.
Prof. Martin Sylvain Peter Lenz (University of Paris-Saclay, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and Statistical Models), Statistical Physics, Soft Matter, Biological Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics. Host: Prof. Erwin Frey, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics. September 2022.
Prof. Martin Puchner (Harvard University, Department of Comparative Literature), Theater and Media Studies. Host: Prof. Christopher Balme, School of Arts, Institute of Theater Studies. September 2022.
Dr. Sofia Ester Brusa (University of Messina, Department of Ancient and Modern Civilizations), Classical Philology. Host: Prof. Beate Kellner, Institute of German Philology. October 2022.
Dr. Rosa Coppola (Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies), Modern German Literature. Host: Prof. Stephan Kammer, Department I – German Studies, Comparative Literature, Nordic Studies, German as a Foreign Language. October 2022.
Dr. Marianna Mazzola (Ghent University, Department of History), Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies. Host: Prof. Ronny Vollandt, Institute of Near and Middle Eastern Studies. October 2022.
M.A. Luana Lila Orlandi Polinesio (Greenpeace Brazil), Empirical Social Research. Host: Prof. Eveline Dürr, Institute of Ethnology. October 2022.
Prof. Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco (University of Surrey), Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, Sociology of Law. Host: Prof. Monika Betzler, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies. October 2022.
Prof. Jan Westerhoff (University of Oxford, Faculty of Theology and Religion), History of Philosophy. Host: Prof. Peter Adamson, Munich School of Ancient Philosophy. October 2022.
Dr. Gabriela Rossi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Institute of Philosophy), History of Philosophy. Host: Prof. Christof Rapp, Prof. Barbara M. Sattler, Chair of Ancient Philosophy and Rhetoric. November 2022.
Dr. Yu Wang (Zhejiang University, Guanghua Law School), General Criminal Law. Host: Prof. Frank Saliger, Chair of Criminal Law and Procedure, Business Criminal Law and Legal Philosophy. November 2022.
Dr. Lucas Lafetá Prates da Fonseca (LMU Department of Chemistry), Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. Host: Prof. Achim Hartschuh, Faculty of Physics, Center for NanoScience (CeNS). December 2022.
Dr. Rachel Wise (Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine), Molecular Biology and Physiology of Neurons and Glial Cells. Host: Dr. Lena Burbulla, Biomedical Center Munich (BMC). December 2022.