
Quantum Simulation: The key to high-temperature superconductors?

10 Jul 2024

In the podcast "Exzellent Erklärt", LMU physicists Monika Aidelsburger and Fabian Grusdt talk about their motivation to search for new discoveries.

The behaviour of individual atoms and molecules can be predicted quite well in quantum physics. However, this becomes more challenging when many particles come together and collective effects play an important role. In this area, many questions remain unanswered. Quantum simulation—not on the computer, but in the laboratory—helps to address these questions. For example, researchers aim to understand how high-temperature superconductors work and whether this knowledge could enable superconductors to operate at room temperature one day.

© Exzellent erklärt

In the 45th episode of the ExzellentErklärt podcast, MCQST researchers, Monika Aidelsburger and Fabian Grusdt, offer insight into the interdisciplinary work within the cluster. MCQST research demonstrates the importance of collaboration among researchers from various fields, inn this case with question posed by theory being implemented in the lab by experimentalists. “Working with experimental physicists is incredibly enriching for us because we complement each other,” says Fabian Grusdt. “As theorists, one of the best things that can happen is when something you have suggested is realized in the experiment and shown that it actually works.”

Tune in to learn about the latest research on quantum simulation and the motivation driving researchers to strive for new discoveries. “The first signal is always the best, and then it’s all about optimizing and calibrating to ensure that the experiment works well” says Monika Aidelsburger.

Quantum simulation in the laboratory of Monika Aidelsburger at the LMU

© Christoph Hohmann / MCQST

The Podcast
Exzellent erklärt“ reports regularly from one of the 57 Clusters of Excellence that are funded as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments.

Prof. Dr. Monika Aidelsburger is a professor at LMU and conducts quantum simulations with ultracold quantum gases trapped in optical lattices. She also heads the „Engineered Quantum Systems“ research group at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics.

Prof. Dr. Fabian Grusdt is Professor of Quantum Many-Body Physics at LMU, where he works on quantum simulations of strongly correlated quantum matter with ultracold atoms and photons.

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